Omnipresent: Illicit Drugs Everywhere

ISP Bi-weekly Insight Email highlighted a growing substance abuse problem in Myanmar with illicit drugs easily accessible in many townships. This week’s ISP Clip No. (70) presents a fact-based analysis of this.

Omnipresent: Illicit Drugs Everywhere

The weather in Naypyitaw is gloomy with unpredictable clouds and rainfall. For this week’s insight email No. 23, ISP-Myanmar focuses on developments relating to Naypyitaw. The newsletter also highlights a growing substance abuse problem in Myanmar with illicit drugs easily accessible in most townships, as demonstrated by ISP-Myanmar’s socio-economic survey.

Seeking a sustainable ASEAN engagement with Myanmar

Indonesia’s 2023 ASEAN chairmanship drew to a close with the conclusion of the 43rd ASEAN Summit last week. The year had started with high hopes for a solution to the Myanmar crisis, with Indonesia calling for the “return of democracy” in the military-controlled state that led to the adoption of the Five-Point Consensus (5PC) in 2021.

Drowning in the Vicious Cycle of Gambling

ISP Bi-weekly Insight Email identified one key setback since the military coup, which is the proliferation of illicit gambling dens in Myanmar. This week’s ISP Clip No. (69) presents a fact-based analysis of this. 

Drowning in the Vicious Cycle of Gambling

This week’s ISP Insight Email No. 22 focuses on a series of concerning developments. One key setback since the military coup has been the proliferation of illicit gambling dens in Myanmar, which have ensnared many individuals in the debilitating cycle of betting.

Are People Happy Nowadays?

People of Myanmar are suffering from economic distress and intensified conflict. This week’s ISP Clip No. (67) presents a fact-based analysis of this.

Are People Happy Nowadays?

For this week’s insight email to Gabyin community members, ISP-Myanmar discusses the suffocating lives under military rule. This sense of stagnation stems from the gradual decline of the Myanmar economy, which is now facing not just distress, but a slow demise.

SAC’s Election Plan and China Pays Special Attention

This discussion focuses on the development of China-Myanmar relations based on ISP’s timeline collections which follow trends on particular subjects. Recently, the State Administration Council (SAC) extended its rule by six months while also outlining high priority on holding ‘free and fair democratic multiparty elections’ in its future programs.

China and Myanmar Trade Gap Rises Double

Comparing the data published by China and Myanmar, the trade gap has been found to increase by double. This week’s ISP Clip No. (65) presents a fact-based analysis of this.

Prolonged SAC’s Rule

This week’s ISP Insight Email No. 20 focuses on the State Administration Council’s (SAC) extension of its own term in office creating a complex Catch-22 situation with the SAC’s aspiration for fresh elections. Prison terms for President Win Myint and Aung San Suu Kyi were partially pardoned, yet the extent of the goodwill derived from this move remains minimal.